引用本文:刘 会 文.《清代毗陵名人小传稿·孟森传》撰人问题及史料价值[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):32-39
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刘 会 文 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:蒋维乔  孟森  《清代毗陵名人小传稿》  商务印书馆
The Discussion on the Author and Historical Value of Biography of Meng Sen
Abstract:The Biography of Meng Sen in the volume 10 of the Manuscript of Elites Biographies in Piling in Qing Dynasty has long been mistakenly attributed to Zhang Weixiang. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the authorship and the process of compilation with evidences, including from Jiang Weiqiao Dairy. The biography was actually supplemented by Jiang Weiqiao. Jiang and Meng were both natives from Changzhou, schoolmates in Nanjing Academy and colleagues in Shanghai Commercial Press. They maintained a close relationship from early to old ages and thoroughly understood each other. Therefore, Jiang was able to write a biography for Meng. The biography did not include references like personal accounts, concise accounts, or inscriptions as the basis about Meng’s life. However, under review, study and inference, most of the information came directly from what Jiang saw, heard and experienced, which is first-hand and reliable. The Biography of Meng Sen by Jiang is the earliest and most comprehensive historical material on Meng’s life. Although it lacks personal accounts about Meng’s life as a reference, it avoids excessive praise and focuses more on facts, which is regrettable but contributes to its historical value and deserves recognition.
keywords:Jiang Weiqiao  Meng Sen  the Manuscript of Elites Biographies in Piling in Qing Dynasty  Shanghai Commercial Press
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