引用本文:马 理1,李厚渊2,张人中1.提振信心与促进经济发展:基于贸易摩擦的视角[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):40-49
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马 理1,李厚渊2,张人中1 (1.湖南大学 金融与统计学院 湖南 长沙 4100792.武汉大学 经济与管理学院 湖北 武汉 430072) 
中文关键词:贸易摩擦  提振信心  经济发展
Boosting Confidence and Promoting Economic Development: From the Perspective of Trade Friction
Abstract:Taking the trade friction between China and the United States as the background, an open economic DSGE model is constructed to analyze the impact of trade friction on the Chinese economy through confidence transmission channels. It shows that trade friction has a negative impact on the Chinese economy, leading to a decrease in investment and output, and an increase in volatility of the capital market. The negative impact is amplified by the loss of confidence among entrepreneurs and bankers. Suggestions are as follows: to boost economic confidence and promote the development of domestic enterprises; to develope high-tech industries and enhance the confidence in the game with the US; to combile the trade freedom and precise countermeasures to increase confidence in winning legitimate trade rights; to promote the substitution of trade with countries along the one Belt one Road and maintain confidence in trade growth.
keywords:trade friction  boosting confidence  economic development
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