引用本文:鞠 方,李 宁,周建军.居民债务对房地产金融风险的影响研究——基于非理性行为视角[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):57-64
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鞠 方,李 宁,周建军 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:居民债务;房地产  金融风险;非理性行为
Research on the Impact of Household Debt on Real Estate Financial Risks: Based on the Perspective of Irrational Behavior
Abstract:Based on the panel data of 31 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions in China from 2007 to 2020, this paper uses spatial econometric model to investigate the impact of household debt on real estate financial risks and the moderating effect of irrational behavior. It is found that there is an obvious spatial spillover effect of real estate financial risks in China. Household debt has a significant positive impact on real estate financial risks, and there is regional heterogeneity in the impact, the eastern region is less affected than the central and western regions. Further analysis shows that irrational behavior has a positive moderating effect on the process of household debt affecting real estate financial risks.
keywords:household debt  real estate  financial risks  irrational behavior
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