引用本文:李 宏, 梁宝琦, 曹知修.数字化转型对企业成本加成率的影响研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):65-76
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李 宏, 梁宝琦, 曹知修 (天津财经大学 经济学院天津 300222) 
中文关键词:数字化转型  企业  成本加成率  研发创新  数字技术
Research on the Impact of Digital Transformation on Firms’Markup
Abstract:With the deep integration of digital economy and traditional industries, digital transformation has become an inevitable choice for firms facing the current complex and changing market environment. Based on the annual report data of listed companies from 2007 to 2020, this paper constructs an indicator of digital transformation, and examines the impact of digital transformation on firms’markup and its mechanism in combination with Guotai’an data. The results show that enterprise digital transformation can significantly improve firms’markup. This result is still valid after a series of robustness endogenous tests. Heterogeneity analysis shows that for high productivity enterprises The influence of high-tech industry enterprises and enterprises in high market scale areas is more significant. The mechanism analysis shows that the digital transformation of enterprises drives the increase of enterprise cost markup rate through the improvement of resource allocation effect, market matching effect and R&D innovation effect. Further analysis shows that big data technology, cloud computing technology and artificial intelligence technology are more significant in the digital transformation.The transformation of the digital economy has an impact on the cost plus rate of enterprises mainly by reducing marginal cost.
keywords:digital transformation  firm  mark up  R&D innovation  digital technology
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