引用本文:陈 容1,2,张 杰1,唐 勇3.高校基础研究投入与地区创新——来自地级市层面的经验证据[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):88-97
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陈 容1,2,张 杰1,唐 勇3 (1. 中国人民大学 经济学院北京 100872
2. 北京联合大学 商务学院北京 100025
3.石河子大学 经济与管理学院新疆 石河子 832000) 
中文关键词:高校基础研究  创新指数  全要素生产率
Investment in University Basic Research and Regional Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Prefecture Level
Abstract:Based on the panel data at the prefecture-level from 2008 to 2014, this paper empirically tests the U-shaped nonlinear effect of the investment in basic research in universities on regional innovation, which first inhibits and then promotes it. Further DID identification strategy shows that basic research policies in universities promote innovation at the prefecture-level in China, except for design patents. However, it will not promote the total factor productivity at the prefecture-level. This paper explains the major phenomenon that basic research in universities is difficult to effectively support China’s economic growth.
keywords:basic research in universities  innovation index  total factor productivity
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