引用本文:王湘玲,沙 璐,杨雯婷.国际译者信息检索行为研究现状和趋势分析(2000-2022)——基于R语言Bibliometrix的可视化分析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):98-105
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王湘玲,沙 璐,杨雯婷 (湖南大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文摘要:以Web of Science数据库中2000-2022年间译者信息检索行为的核心文献为样本,借助R语言Bibliometrix文献计量工具包,分析并绘制其文献时间分布、高被引期刊、重要作者、关键词聚类、关键词共现及关键词历时变化知识图谱,梳理发展趋势、研究主题、研究热点和未来趋势。结果发现:从发展趋势来看,国际译者信息检索行为研究呈波浪式上升发展,研究成果主要刊发在图书馆情报学、信息科学及翻译学等领域的国际核心期刊上。研究主题及热点主要围绕译者信息检索过程和译者信息素养培养两方面开展。其中,前者探究信息资源类型、检索式表达和检索结果等变量对翻译问题解决的影响,并与机器翻译译后编辑等领域结合,探究不同翻译模式下译者信息检索行为的差异;后者探讨译者的信息素养培养模式。未来研究可关注译者个体因素对信息资源使用行为的影响,注重译者信息素养培养与评估,加强研究方法与工具的跨学科借鉴与创新。
中文关键词:译者  信息检索  素养  翻译  可视化
A Bibliometrix Analysis on the Research Status and Trend in the International Research of Information Seeking Behaviors of Translators(2000-2022)
Abstract:Based on the documents of translators’ information seeking behavior from 2000 to 2022 in the Web of Science database and with the help of the Bibliometrix toolkit, this paper analyzes the data and visualizes the network knowledge map, including the time distribution of documents, highly cited journals, important authors, keyword clusters, keyword co-occurrence and keyword diachronic change, in order to investigate the development trends, research topics, research hotspots and future trends of information seeking behavior research in translation studies. The results show that (1) the research on the information seeking behavior of translators abroad has shown an overall upward trend, and the research papers are mainly published in the fields of library and information science, information science and translation studies; (2) research topics and hotspots mainly focus on two aspects: translators’ information seeking process and information literacy training. On the one hand, related studies mainly explore the impact of several variables such as information resource types, search queries, and search results on translation problem-solving, and combine them with machine translation post-editing to explore the behavioral differences under different translation modes; on the other hand, some studies investigate the teaching models for improving translators’ information literacy; (3) future research can pay attention to the influence of individual characteristics on the use of information resources, information literacy development and assessment, and the innovation of research methodologies.
keywords:translators  information seeking  literacy  translation  visualization
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