引用本文:刘春湘,肖 敏.重构社会空间:党建引领社区治理共同体建构的实践路径——基于C市F社区更新的考察[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):112-121
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刘春湘,肖 敏 (中南大学 公共管理学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:社区治理共同体  党建引领  社会空间  空间生产
Reconstruction of Social Space: The Construction Path of the Community of Neighborhood Governance Led by the Party Building—Investigation based on the Renewal of F Community in C city
Abstract:Since the construction of neighborhood governance community is difficult to form spontaneously due to the loose social space environment, the party building guidance is the key carrier of social space reproduction. Taking the renewal of F community in C city as a case in point, focusing on the reconstruction of social space by grass-roots Party organizations, we are committed to presenting the process mechanism between “the leadership of grass-roots Party organizations” and “the construction of neighborhood governance community”. We found that in the loose social space environment, grass-roots Party organizations have created a social space environment of tight connection among governance subjects, cohesion of emotion and trust, and organic unity of collective action through the reconstruction mechanism of “organization integration” at the level of co-construction, “interest integration” at the level of co-governance, and “value integration” at the level of sharing. It means that grass-roots Party organizations actively integrate themselves into community governance,causing the rebalance of community space by strengthening and expanding community governance capabilities. Meanwhile, Party organizations achieve organizational expansion and authority building relying on grass-roots society.
keywords:community of neighborhood governance  party building guidance  social space  space production
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