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唐绍均,李生银 (重庆大学 法学院重庆 400045) 
中文关键词:客观关联  共同侵权  证成进路  立法回应
On the Theoretical Correction and Legislative Response of the Objectively Associated Joint Tortious Acts—Also on the Interpretation of Article 1168 of the Civil Code
Abstract:China’s civil legislation on joint torts has not clearly defined whether objectively related joint torts are included in it, and resulted in the formation of two opposing views, “affirmation theory”and “negation theory”, in relevant theoretical interpretations.Attending to one thing and losing sight of another in protecting the rights and interests of victims, “affirmation theory” is unable to distinguish between joint torts; the “negation theory” generalizes the understanding of objectively related joint torts, and exists a logical break in the classification of subjective joint torts. Therefore, the theoretical justification of objectively associated joint torts is in urgent need of starts from two levels: the establishment of classification logic and the identification of types of forms. Its legislative response urgently needs to include objectively associated joint torts through detailed interpretation of Article 1168 of the Civil code. It also urgently needs to set “no joint intention, joint torts, and the same damage” as the criteria for identifying objectively associated joint torts.
keywords:objective association  joint infringement  justification approach  legislative response
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