引用本文:廖 艳.论我国灾害治理共同体建设的法治保障[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):137-145
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廖 艳 (贵州大学 公共管理学院贵州 贵阳 550025) 
中文关键词:灾害治理共同体  非政府主体  法治保障
On Legal Guarantee of Disaster Governance Community Construction in China
Abstract:Disaster governance community construction is not only a reflection on the social mobilization mechanism in disaster response, but also a community strategy in the practice of public crisis management theory. The rule of law, as an important means of establishing a disaster governance community, can not only ensure the institutionalization and normalization of coordinated disaster treatment, but also promote the modernization of national disaster governance system and capacity. There are some flaws in China’s legal protection of the disaster governance community, which need to be further optimized. Firstly, legislation has been enacted to clarify the concept of community, subject structure, government responsibility and subject identity, and identity of non-governmental entities. Secondly, it’s necessary to broaden the types of subject matter of legal incentive, optimize the mechanism of subject matter of legal incentive realization. Thirdly, organizational structures for coordinated disaster treatment should be established. The normalization of information sharing and emergency joint drills should be encouraged. The national supervision system for disaster treatment should be improved.
keywords:disaster governance community  non-governmental entities  legal guarantee
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