引用本文:胡 煜.民行交叉争议的困境化解及路径选择[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):146-153
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胡 煜 (西南政法大学 法学院重庆 401120) 
中文关键词:民行交叉争议  行政行为效力  规制意图  解决机制
The Dilemma Resolution and Path Choice of the Cross Dispute between Civil and Administration
Abstract:In order to cope with the intersecting problems of civil and administrative affairs in judicial practice, the legislation has formally established a limited range of collective trial procedures, aimed at avoiding conflicts in judgments and improving the efficiency of litigation. However, ignoring the deeper basic theories attached to the superficial problems led to the initiation of the procedure contradicting the basic litigation principles, the limited scope of application contradicting the infinite defining standards, and the excessive pursuit of individual justice contradicting the stability of the law. It is more scientific and standardized to re-examine the cross-controversy of civil and administrative affairs with the regulatory intention of the administrative agency as the core perspective and to address this issue with cross procedural effectiveness of administrative acts. Under the principle of separation of litigation procedures, the principle of priority of law stability, and the principle of correct identification of cross disputes, it’s appropriate to divide different types of cross disputes according to the mode of action and the scope of influence of the administrative agency’s regulatory intentions and draw up corresponding resolution paths.
keywords:civil and administrative cross dispute  effectiveness of administrative acts  regulatory intention  resolution mechanism
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