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孙利军1,高金萍2 (1.中国人民大学 新闻与社会发展研究中心北京 1008722.北京外国语大学 国际新闻与传播学院北京 100089) 
中文关键词:人类命运共同体  全球传播  演进范式  实践路径
The Global Communication Paradigm and Practice Path of the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Abstract:The community with a shared future for mankind has been proposed for ten years.It is a global governance plan proposed by the CPC based on profound changes unseen in a century and fine traditional Chinese culture. It is also a scientific theory that is becoming increasingly mature. It meets the ideal vision of Chinese and western scholars for the future development of human society. From the perspective of communication mode and type, the global communication paradigm of the community with a shared future for mankind has three steps: mass media diffusion paradigm, multi-subject participation paradigm, concept reproduction paradigm. In the post-epidemic era, the global communication of the community with a shared future for mankind has entered the media environment of multi-subject participation paradigm. It is shifting from “thing-oriented” to “people-oriented”in value, from one-way to multidimensional in channel, from fact-oriented to story-oriented in narrative, and from monologue to dialogue in discourse strategy.
keywords:the community with a shared future for mankind  global communication  the evolution paradigm  practice path
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