马克思主义中国化视域下《论共产党员的修养》对儒家义利观的吸收借鉴 |
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引用本文:吴增礼,黄阳博.马克思主义中国化视域下《论共产党员的修养》对儒家义利观的吸收借鉴[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(5):1-6 |
摘要点击次数: 223 |
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中文摘要:马克思主义中国化是坚持把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合、同中华优秀传统文化相结合,要求运用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法,研究和解决中国革命、建设、改革中的实际问题。“第二个结合”是当代中国马克思主义理论的重大创新,彰显了中国共产党的历史自信和文化自信。《论共产党员的修养》是马克思主义与中华优秀传统文化相结合的产物。作为马克思主义基本原理同中华优秀传统文化相结合的经典案例,《论共产党员的修养》通过对古代儒家义利观的吸收借鉴,从“原则”“标准”“党员个人利益”等方面,论述了正确处理党员个人利益与党的利益、人民利益之间的关系,极大提升了共产党员修养理论的透彻性与说服力。《论共产党员的修养》充分展现了中国共产党坚持把马克思主义基本原理与中华优秀传统文化相结合的优良传统。 |
中文关键词:《论共产党员的修养》 儒家义利观 马克思主义中国化 |
Absorbing the Confucian Concept of Righteousness and Benefits out of the Cultivation of Communists from the Perspective of Chineseization of Marxism |
Abstract:The Chineseization of Marxism is an insistence on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s concrete realities and China’s outstanding traditional culture, and requires the application of Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods to study and solve practical problems in China's revolution, construction and reform. The “second combination” is a major innovation in the theory of contemporary Chinese Marxism, demonstrating the CPC’s historical and cultural confidence. “On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members” is a product of the combination of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture. As a classic case of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, “On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members”, through absorbing and borrowing the ancient Confucian concept of righteousness and benefits, discusses the principles, standards, personal interests and other aspects of party members. By drawing on the ancient Confucian concept of righteousness and benefits, “On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members” discusses the relationship among the interests of party members, those of CPC and those of the people, and greatly enhances the thoroughness and persuasiveness of the theory cultivating Communist Party members. “On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members” fully demonstrates the CPC's fine tradition of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the outstanding traditional Chinese culture. |
keywords:On the Cultivation of Communists Confucian concept of righteousness and benefits Sinicization of Marxism |
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