论吕祖谦心史哲学的基础结构及通天工夫 |
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引用本文:温海明,鲁龙胜.论吕祖谦心史哲学的基础结构及通天工夫[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(5):20-27 |
摘要点击次数: 1132 |
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中文摘要:学界对吕祖谦的历史哲学颇有研究,但未曾详论人心在天道、历史之间的沟通作用,作者将吕祖谦哲学命名为“心史”哲学,聚焦心的面向,还原了吕祖谦哲学的“史-心-天”基础结构。历史是心的表呈和记录,心是人身所禀赋的天道,历史原是天道通过人心在时空中的直接表呈。但人心在现实中存在被遮蔽的风险,导致天道在实然的历史中或隐或显。为使实然的历史呈现其应然的面貌,吕祖谦主张观史修心的通天工夫论:要求作为历史主体的人们通过身临其境的以心观史方式体贴历史人物之心、史家之心乃至天心,观史心修己心,让己心回归万事万物“皆吾心之发见”的天心状态,从而使历史呈现其作为天道之运动性展开的至善情状。 |
中文关键词:吕祖谦 心 历史 天道 浙学 |
On the Basic Structure of Lv Zuqian’s “Mind History” Philosophy and its Ways to Be One with Tian |
Abstract:The academic circles have done a lot of research on Lv Zuqian’s philosophy of history, but they have not adquately discussed the role of human minds in the communication between Tian and history. The author named Lv Zuqian’s philosophy as “mind history” philosophy, focusing on the aspect of minds, and restoring the basic “history-mind-Tian” structure of Lv Zuqian’s philosophy. History is the expression and record of minds, and minds are the way of Tian in people, so history is a direct expression of the way of Tian through the human minds in time and space. But the human minds are at the risk of being obscured in reality, causing the way of Tian to be hidden or revealed in the actual history. In order to make the real history present its proper appearance, Lv Zuqian advocated to be one with Tian by observing history and cultivating one’s mind: it requires people as the main body of history,considering the minds of historical figures, historians, and even the Tian through an immersive way of viewing history with their minds. To observe the mind of history and cultivate one’s own mind, to let one’s mind return to the state of “everything is the presentation form of my mind”, then history presents its supreme goodness as the appearing of the way of Tian. |
keywords:Lv Zuqian mind history way of Tian Zhejiang School |
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