引用本文:颜炳罡1,2,王 伟3.明于人伦,赴以礼义:周代冠礼与当代成人礼建构[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(6):23-30
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颜炳罡1,2,王 伟3 (1.山东大学 儒家文明协同创新中心山东 济南 2501002.曲阜师范大学山东 曲阜 2731653.山东大学 儒学高等研究院山东 济南 250100) 
中文关键词:冠礼  成人礼  成人  人性
Understanding Human Relations, Using Rites and Justice: Guanli of the Zhou Dynasty and Contemporary Adult Rites
Abstract:China has been known as the state of propriety and righteousness since ancient times. Guanli(冠礼) was first seen in the Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial (仪礼), mainly the adult ceremony in the patriarchal society of the Zhou Dynasty. The coronal ceremony of the Zhou Dynasty has multiple connotations. Firstly, it points to the pursuit of the meaning behind why people are human beings. Adulthood(成人) means the acquisition of ethical responsibility and power, as well as personal dignity and value. Secondly, adulthood in the coronal ceremony means the continuous historical consciousness and horizontal order of human relations which centered on family, reflecting the existence and continuous protection of the family. Last, Guanli guided young people to care about reality and establish a sense of responsibility and responsibility for the country and the world. Guanli inspires us to construct contemporary adult etiquettes from a developmental perspective, deeply consider the fundamental issues of human nature, and guide young people to establish a moral pattern of family, country, and world, which undoubtedly has important reference value.
keywords:Guanli(冠礼)  transition rites  adulthood  human nature
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