引用本文:罗 璠,文坤怿.论韩少功长篇小说《日夜书》回旋跨层叙事的美学特征[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(6):83-90
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罗 璠,文坤怿 (海南师范大学 文学院海南 海口 571158) 
中文关键词:韩少功  《日夜书》  回旋跨层
An Analysis of the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Convoluted Cross Layer Narrative in Han Shaogong’s Novel The Book of Days and Nights
Abstract:There are two relatively fixed narrators in Han Shaogong’s novel The Book of Days and Nights: The Memorizer-Tao Xiaobu and The Experiencer-Tao Xiaobu. The different perspectives of these two narrators result in a clear narrative stratification in the text. By changing the narrator and narrative perspective, different narrative layers cross each other to form a convoluted and cross layered narrative structure. Under this structure, the narrative language of the novel contains diverse narrative sounds, presenting a polyphonic aesthetic connotation. At the same time, the text content of the novel expresses a hidden irony towards the narrator, with the true intention of reflecting and examining the past years of educated youth. With the help of cross layer narrative, Han Shaogong reconstructed his profound memory of history and expressed his nostalgia for the years of educated youth.
keywords:Han Shaogong  The Book of Days and Nights  spiral cross layer
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