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张小罗,黄思远,戴子若 (中南林业科技大学 政法学院湖南 长沙 410004) 
中文关键词:基因安全风险  风险规制  法律对策
On the Dilemma and Legal Countermeasures of Gene Safety Risk Regulation in China
Abstract:Genetic safety risks refer to the potential for genetic safety to suffer damage, dangers, and harm due to specific threats. Regulating genetic safety risks has become an urgent social issue. At present, China’s legislation on genetic safety risks includes the constitution, departmental laws, specialized laws, etc., which play a certain role in regulating risks. However, there are still shortcomings such as the inability of the law to respond promptly to new issues arising from the development of genetic technology. In order to better regulate genetic safety risks, we can learn from foreign experience and improve the filing and review system at the constitutional level, and make some adjustments in the civil code to regulate new social risks such as genetic discrimination and other legal systems.
keywords:genetic safety risks  risk regulation  legal countermeasures
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