我国重新包装产品平行进口的法律完善 ——基于对欧盟立法判例的借鉴
引用本文:高 华1,曾令卿2.我国重新包装产品平行进口的法律完善 ——基于对欧盟立法判例的借鉴[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(6):141-150
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高 华1,曾令卿2 (1.华中科技大学 法学院湖北 武汉 4300742.江苏盐城仲裁委江苏 盐城 224002) 
中文关键词:商标权  重新包装  平行进口  海关  欧盟
Legal Perfection of Parallel Import of Repackaged Products in China: Based on the Reference of EU Legislation and Jurisprudence
Abstract:In recent years, there have been numerous judicial cases related to the parallel import of repackaged products. With the implementation of China’s high-level opening-up policy under the new development pattern, there is an urgent need to address the legitimacy of parallel import of repackaged products. China should benchmark international high-level economic and trade rules, draw on the relatively mature legislation and case practice of the European Union, especially the BMS rule in EU case law, clearly stipulate the application of the principle of international exhaustion of trademark rights, and provide exceptions, that is, in principle, support the horizontal import of repackaged products, but for repackaged products that may cause confusion, changes in product quality, or damage to the reputation of trademark owners, the trademark owner has the right to prevent the parallel import of the product. In addition, it is necessary to supplement it with the perspective of anti-unfair competition law to examine whether the parallel import will cause consumers to mistake and purchase, damage the market reputation of domestic operators, and other unfair competition situations. The legislation on customs protection of IPRs should supplement relevant rules and stipulate that customs should adopt an application-based protection model as much as possible.
keywords:trademark rights  repackaging  parallel import  customs  EU
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