引用本文:俞 凡,石尚上.论中国式现代化宣传舆论阵地的历史基因与现实使命[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):1-7
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俞 凡,石尚上 (山东大学 新闻传播学院山东 济南 250100) 
中文关键词:中国式现代化  舆论  宣传  意识形态
On the Historical Genes and Practical Mission of Propaganda and Public Opinion Positions of Chinese-style Modernization
Abstract:To consolidate the socialist ideology, strengthen the mainstream ideology, construct and spread the discourse system of the Chinese-style modernization, we must adhere to the position of publicity and public opinions.The propaganda and public opinion positions serve the historical process of Chinese-style modernization, which not only follows the objective law of information dissemination, but also embodies the historical logic and practical mission.The party’s propaganda work during the rerdutionary historical period showed the characteristics of overall propaganda, whole-party propaganda and all-media propaganda.In the layout of work, we must focus on avoiding the limitations of the division of departments, emphasizing the integration of public information and publicity work into the work of the whole council. In terms of action mechanism,implement we should the idea of running newspapers with all party members involved, we encourage every party member to devote himself to mass propaganda work. Concerning media forms, we comprehensively utilize all media communication methods such as printing and oral commanication, and explore new communication methods from time to time.As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, It is necessary for us to strengthen our historical self-confidence, learn from the history of the party’s propaganda and mobilization work. To do a good job of propaganda and public opinion work in the new period, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between “change” and “unchanged”, and adhere to the party’s leadership; at the same time, we will adapt to the profound changes in the communication pattern,and help the development of Chinese-style modernization.
keywords:Chinese-style modernization  public opinions  propaganda  ideology
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