引用本文:叶 达.传统儒家人—物役用关系的多元诠释及其现代价值——以“络马首,穿牛鼻”问题为中心[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):22-28
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叶 达 (浙江大学 哲学学院浙江 杭州 310058) 
中文关键词:络马穿牛  服牛乘马  传统儒家  役用关系
Multi-Interpretations of the Working Relationship between Man and Nature from Traditional Confucianism and Its Modern Value ——On the Question of Reining the Horse and Piercing Cattle’s Nose
Abstract:Chuang Tzu raises such a question: Does reining the horse and piercing cattle’s nose accord with the nature of cattle and horse? Through which Chuang Tzu expresses the reflection on the relationship between nature and man. In Confucianism, this question is sometimes referred to as “putting the cow and horse to work” .The interpretations of this question present the internal interaction and diverse evolution of the development process of thoughts. In the period from the Pre-Qin to Han Dynasty, there are two perspectives, one is “from sage” and the other is “from the god”. Both of them establish the authoritative order of the relationship between man and nature, and give people the realistic rationality of making horse and cow work. In the period from the Song to Ming Dynasties, Confucian viewpoints as “from the principle of nature” and “application method” construct the theoretical edifice of human and nature’s servitude relationship, behind which are ontology, the theory of cultivation and axiology, interweaving with each other to form a close structure. Since modern times, with the intensification of the collision between Chinese and Western civilizations, Confucianism began to re-examine the relationship between nature and technology from the macro perspective of social development. Through this perspective, the relationship between man and nature hidden by the question of “reining the horse and piercing cattle’s nose” has been rethought. “reining the horse and piercing cattle’s nose” and “putting the cow and horse to work” is not only an important perspective of observing the development of Confucianism and Chinese traditional thought, but also a cultural window to highlight the ecological wisdom of excellent traditional Chinese culture.
keywords:reining the horse and piercing cattle’s nose  putting the cow work and riding the horse  traditional Confucianism  relations in working
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