引用本文:于金富1, 晋 铭2.我国农产品地理标志发展的时代契机与策略选择——基于乡村振兴战略视域的研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):53-59
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于金富1, 晋 铭2 (1.辽宁大学 经济学院辽宁 沈阳 1101362.华东师范大学 经济与管理学院,上海 200062) 
中文关键词:农产品  地理标志  乡村振兴  文化价值
The Turning Point and Strategic Choice for the Development of Geographical Indication of Agricultural Products in China: A Perspective of the Strategies of Rural Revitalization
Abstract:Based on the background of the comprehensive implementation of the strategies of rural revitalization, this paper deeply analyzes the realistic difficulties faced by the development of geographical indication of agricultural products from three aspects: the influence of geographical indication of agricultural products, the consciousness of ecological protection of the producers and the cultural value of geographical indication, pointing out that the comprehensive implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization with “industrial prosperity”, “ecological livability” and “rural civilization” as the goals of the phase is an opportunity for the development of geographical indication of agricultural products in China. From the perspective of the strategies of rural revitalization, the developmental course of geographical indication of agricultural products should not be a monotonous but a diversified one, including economic, ecological and cultural content: firstly, some appropriate industrial clusters should be established to enhance the competitiveness of industries; secondly, the natural environment of source areas should be actively protected, with ecological agriculture initiated; thirdly, the historical significance of geographical indication of agricultural products should be deeply explored to create a distinctive brand image.
keywords:agricultural products  geographical indication  rural revitalization  cultural value
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