引用本文:贺正楚,任宇新,王 京,吴 艳.产业投资基金对技术创新的影响:芯片企业的实证研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):60-69
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贺正楚,任宇新,王 京,吴 艳 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:国家集成电路产业投资基金(国家大基金)  芯片企业技术创新  融资约束  创业投资环境
Impact of Industrial Investment Funds on Technological Innovation: An Empirical Study of Chip Enterprises
Abstract:National chip companies still face challenges in achieving technological innovation. Based on resource-based theory, market failure theory, and virtuous cycle theory, five hypotheses are proposed for the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund (referred to as the “National Big Fund”) to promote enterprise technological innovation. Chip companies that received the National Big Fund from 2014 to 2021 are selected to test the impact of the National Big Fund on enterprise technological innovation.This paper explores the differences in the effects of the National Big Fund on the three branches of the chip industry chain enterprises. The results show that chip companies that have received the National Big Funds have more innovation output than those that have not received them; the National Big Fund has significantly promoted enterprise technological innovation through financing constraint relief mechanisms; there is a U-shaped relationship between the guarantee period of the National Big Fund and the technological innovation of chip companies, and the entrepreneurial investment environment in the region where the chip companies are located plays a moderating role in both.
keywords:National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund (National Big Fund)  technological innovation in chip enterprises  financing constraints  entrepreneurial investment environment
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