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罗小凤 (扬州大学 文学院江苏 扬州 225002) 
中文关键词:歌诗  古典诗  新诗
On the Rediscovery and Reconstruction of “Song Poetry” as a Classical Poetry Tradition
Abstract:“Song poetry”was originally an important tradition of ancient Chinese poetry, but in new poetry, due to the separation of poems and songs becoming the dominant trend, the “Song poetry” tradition has long been in an awkward situation of being neglected or overshadowed, leading to a lack of musicality in new poetry and frequent crises. Since the 21st century, a group of poets and scholars have regained awareness of the importance of the traditional song poetry when looking back on classical poetry. Therefore, they rediscovered the traditional song poetry, reinterpreted and defined it, and recognized it. This has constituted a rediscovery of the ancient song poetry tradition in three aspects: re-recognizing the importance of the traditional song poetry, re-recognizing the category of the song poetry, and providing inspiration for the construction of new poetry. However, as an ancient poetic tradition, the oral form of “song poetry” is no longer sustainable, so new poetry cannot simply copy the ancient form of song poetry. Instead, the rhythm and rhyme of poetry should be constructed in the text strategy of new poetry creation, in order to reconstruct the “song quality”of poetry, integrating poetry, song, and dance in the dissemination path for cross-border interpretation, promoting the “song nature” of poetry. In terms of the form of poetry and songs, let the creation of crossing genre between new poetry and lyrics highlight the “song nature”, thus constructing the poetic tradition of new poetry itself.
keywords:song poetry  the classical tradition of poetry  new poetry
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