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任鹏波 (湖南大学 中国语言文学学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:{挖掘}(DIG)  {搔挠}(SCRATCH)  {攀爬}(CLIMB)  语义演变  语义关联
The Regularity of Semantic Shifts between DIG, SCRATCH, and CLIMB in Chinese Verbs Pa(爬), Nao(挠), Pao(刨), Wa(挖)
Abstract:The diachronic semantic changes of Chinese verbs pa(爬), nao(挠), pao(刨), wa(挖) and relevant colexification facts in contemporary Chinese dialects show a regular semantic association pattern between DIG, SCRATCH and CLIMB, with the paths of unidirectionality of SCRATCH→DIG or SCRATCH→CLIMB. On one hand, this pattern shares to some extent certain language universals based on cross-linguistic evidences; on the other hand, supplements a semantic association of SCRATCH→CLIMB, which has not been reported.
keywords:DIG  SCRATCH  CLIMB  semantic change  semantic association
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