引用本文:刘 辉.金融应急管理程序法治论[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):119-126
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刘 辉 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:重大突发事件  金融应急管理权  程序法治
On the Rule of Law in Financial Emergency Management Procedure
Abstract:The outbreak of significant emergencies may cause systemic risks to financial institutions and the financial system. It is the consensus of the financial regulatory authorities of all countries to implement the financial governance of emergency through the financial emergency management power. The financial emergency management power has the characteristics of emergency response, the diversity of management subjects and the nature of power expansion, which determines that it must be regulated through procedural law. The construction of the Rule of Law in the financial emergency management procedure must adhere to the principle of legality,that coordinated emergency response, that of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers and the that of maintaining transparency, and carry out specific legal system design around the start, operation and exit procedures of the financial emergency management.
keywords:significant emergencies  financial emergency management power  procedural rule of law
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