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刁佳星 (北京科技大学 文法学院北京 100083) 
中文关键词:公共领域  知识产权  悲剧(喜剧)理论
The Economic Rationality and Institutional Reflection of Public Domain in IP Law—— A Comparative Analysis Based on Tragedy (Comedy) Theories
Abstract:Systematically combing through tragedy (comedy) theories, we conclude that due to the existence of multiple innovating motives and non-exclusive incentive mechanisms, the incentive effect of private property on innovation is exaggerated, and the economic rationality of public domain-reducing transaction costs, encouraging dynamic interactions and promoting positive externalities, has been underrated. The scientific intellectual property concept and institution should attach importance to the role, of public domain, make full use of non-exclusive incentive mechanisms, and leniently set the exemption mechanisms of intellectual property.
keywords:public domain  intellectual property  tragedy(comedy) theories
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