引用本文:丁汉青,朱 婧.表演与建构:拟剧理论视角下的百科社群规范[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):137-145
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丁汉青,朱 婧 (北京师范大学 新闻传播学院北京 100875) 
中文关键词:虚拟社群  规范  中台  深后台  互动
Performance and Construction: A Case Study on the Norm of Encyclopedia Virtual Community
Abstract:Based on the “front and back” scene theory and ordinary human methodology, this paper uses network ethnography and participant observation to study the performance norms and construction process of the virtual community represented by the Baidu encyclopedia art group. The study found that the “backstage” of the encyclopedia chat room has “middle stage” and “deep backstage” with different openness. Interpersonal interaction in “middle stage” aims to build power relations, while interpersonal interaction in “deep backstage” focuses on building intimate relationships. The different interaction goals of the two spaces give rise to different normative content. These norms are affected by the requirements of the digital platform and the perceptual norms of community members, and they are also specifically constructed by three methods: the suggestive role of performance behavior, the exemplary role of opinion leaders, and the number of repetitions of feedback results. The established norms not only continue to discipline members, but are also constantly broken by members. The two forces of “construction” and “deconstruction” have always been accompanied and intertwined, dynamically shaping the “present” of community norms, and injecting continuous impetus into the production of Baidu Encyclopedia entries.
keywords:virtual community  norms  middle stage  deep backstage  interaction
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