作为媒介的“红色地铁”:意识形态传播与公共空间争夺 |
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引用本文:王 松.作为媒介的“红色地铁”:意识形态传播与公共空间争夺[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):152-160 |
摘要点击次数: 900 |
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中文摘要:“红色地铁”将红色文化融入地铁空间,成为主流意识形态大众化传播的重要渠道。“红色地铁”通过嵌入式“看见”、直陈式“劝服”以及流动式“捕捉”使主流意识形态进入公众日常生活,即通过空间嵌入将主流意识形态置于公众视觉审视的中心,通过空间修辞增强公众对主流意识形态的认同,通过空间延伸扩大主流意识形态的影响范围。然而地铁空间中消费主义的渗入对主流意识形态产生冲击,以传播消费主义为中心的商业广告与以传播主流意识形态为中心的“红色地铁”之间形成空间竞争,资产阶级意识形态不断通过空间渗透与社会主义意识形态进行空间争夺。为了维护社会主义意识形态的主导地位,应不断推进主流意识形态大众化传播的生活空间转向,使主流意识形态牢牢占据日常生活空间。 |
中文关键词:“红色地铁” 意识形态 媒介 空间 |
The “Red Subway” as Medium: Communication of Ideology and Competition for Public Space |
Abstract:The “Red Subway” integrates red culture into the subway space and becomes an important channel for the popularization of mainstream ideology. The “Red Subway” brings mainstream ideology into public daily life through embedded “seeing”, direct “persuasion”, and mobile “capturing”. It places mainstream ideology at the center of public visual scrutiny through spatial embedding, enhances public recognition of mainstream ideology through spatial rhetoric, and expands the influence of mainstream ideology through spatial extension. However, the infiltration of consumerism into the subway space has exerted an impact on mainstream ideology, and there is a spatial competition between commercial advertisements centered on spreading consumerism and the “Red Subway” centered on spreading mainstream ideology. Bourgeois ideology continuously infiltrates through space and competes with socialist ideology for space. In order to maintain the dominant position of socialist ideology, it is necessary to continuously promote the expansion of mainstream ideology towards mass dissemination in the living space, so that mainstream ideology firmly occupies the daily living space. |
keywords:“Red Subway” ideology medium space |
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