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唐珍名,周朕可 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:权力机关  监察机关  监察法  监督法
The Path Improvement of the Power Organs in Supervising Supervision Organs:Also on the Revision of the Supervision Law
Abstract:At present, some problems exist in the supervision of the supervision organs by the power organs, such as the insufficient supply and delay of national legal norms, the lack of rich and specific supervision tools, the lack of openness of supervision procedures and the lack of convergence. At the same time, the “high position and weight” of the supervision organs makes the supervision of the power organs slightly weak. Therefore, we should further improve the supervision law, expand the scope of supervision subjects, innovate supervision measures, improve the investigation system for specific problems, add legal liability chapters, and improve the specific legal provisions of supervision procedures; enrich the concrete supervision “toolbox”, strengthen the law enforcement inspection of supervision related laws, record and review the regulations and relevant normative documents issued by the supervisory organs, and strengthen the inquiry of the supervisory organs; promote the openness of supervision procedures, strengthen the connection among various supervision methods, improve the tracking and feedback links, and effectively enhance the effectiveness of the supervision and supervision organs of the power organs.
keywords:power organs  supervision organs  supervision law  oversight law
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