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唐亚阳,张仁鹏 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:中国共产党  思想引领力  马克思主义
The Generation Logic,Value Implication and Practice Approach of the Ideological Leadership Construction of the CPC
Abstract:Strong ideological leadership is the spiritual code for the development and growth of the Communist Party of China(CPC). Looking back on the century-old history of the Party, the CPC relies on leading the people’s thoughts, gathering the power of the masses, and uniting and leading Chinese people to keep moving from victory to victory. On the road to comprehensively embarking on a new journey of building a modern socialist country, the CPC needs to focus more on strengthening the Party’s ideological leadership. It is not only conducive to improving the Party’s self-building and safeguarding national ideological security, but also conducive to gathering social consensus and enhancing social unity, providing a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual power for realizing the great dream of nation rejuvenation. We should continue to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, adhere to the Party’s political construction as the guide, promote theoretical innovation, improve propaganda and ideological work methods, and build a loyal and responsible professional team.
keywords:the Communist Party of China  ideological leadership  Marxism
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