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张坤,范张欣 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:中国式现代化  意识形态建设  人类文明新形态
The Ideological Construction Path of Chinese Modernization
Abstract:Chinese modernization is an important achievement of the CPC's ideological theoretical innovation in the new era, with profound and unique ideological implications. In the process of Chinese modernization, the ideological construction should actively respond to the requirements of the times, adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding roles in the ideological field, adhere to the promotion of people’s all-round development as the fundamental adherence of ideological work, adhere to the system concept as the way to break the situation in the struggle in ideology, and adhere to the vivid practice of Chinese modernization as the source of innovation in the ideological discourse system. To promote the ideological construction of Chinese modernization, we should deeply grasp the logical inevitability of Chinese modernization and ideological construction, clarify the political nature and directionality of ideological construction, constantly enhance the cohesion and leadership of socialist ideology, focus on promoting the innovative development of ideological theory system, and comprehensively enhance the international discourse power of ideology.
keywords:Chinese modernization  ideological construction  new forms of human civilization
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