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姜广辉 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:侯外庐  《中国思想通史》  范式  学术价值
How to View the General History of Chinese Thought Edited by Hou Wailu?
Abstract:The General History of China Thought, edited by Hou Wailu, is the earliest work to study China’s ideological materials from the standpoint, viewpoint and methods of Marxism, which has led the development of China’s academic thought for a long time. However, after the 1990s, some scholars began to propose that the General History of Chinese Thought should not presuppose a Marxist theoretical framework. Scholars have always presupposed a theoretical framework when studying the history of thought or philosophy. From today’s perspective, the General History of Chinese Thought has the value of knowledge and theory, and has extensive social influence. Although this value is limited by the historical conditions at that time, it also has timeless eternity. In addition, we found that the use of materialism and idealism in the General History of Chinese Thought is strictly measured and analyzed in detail. The errors of generalization and absolutization of materialism and idealism cannot be attributed to the academic paradigm created by the General History of Chinese Thought.
keywords:Hou Wailu  General History of Chinese Thought  paradigm  academic value
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