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马跃如1,黄尧1,2,袁红艳2 (1.中南大学 商学院湖南 长沙 410083
2.湖南农业大学 经济学院湖南 长沙 410128) 
中文关键词:养老服务消费  差序格局  社会嵌入  弱关系
The Impact of Differential Pattern Characteristic Social Network on Consumption Behavior of Elderly Care Services
Abstract:Based on the field survey data, this paper systematically discusses the influence of social network with differential pattern on the consumption behavior of elderly care services. Results show that firstly, at the level of self and family, income level and children’s attitude are the core factors that affect the transformation of the elderly consumers’ willingness to consume elderly care services. Secondly, at the social network level, the weak-ties social participation activities represented by collective cultural and entertainment activities such as square dancing and Taijiquan have a more significant positive impact on the consumption intention and behavior of elderly care services than the strong-ties social participation represented by relatives and friends visiting , which plays an important role in decision-making of consumption of elderly care services involving daily living arrangements and status changes. Heterogeneity analysis showed that women, people with high education level and those in urban areas had stronger conversion ability of elderly care service consumption intention. The influence of self-level and social network level on elderly care service consumption behavior shows significant differences between urban and rural areas. Accordingly, in practice, the driving role of weak ties social core nodes can be explored and differentiated demand management strategies can be formulated, to drive the consumption behavior of potential customers.
keywords:elderly care service consumption  differential pattern  social embedding  weak-ties
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