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蔡艳萍,祝雪恬 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:大数据税收征管  税收治理  企业风险承担  多期双重差分
Research on the Influence of Big Data Tax Collection on Enterprise Risk-Taking
Abstract:At present, the risk-taking of enterprises in China is at a relatively low level, which poses a great challenge to the sustainable development of enterprises and the long-term prosperity of the country. This paper investigates the impact of big data tax collection and administration on enterprises' risk taking and its mechanism of action by means of a quasi-natural experiment, the Golden Tax Ⅲ project, using a multi-period double-difference method. The study shows that big data tax administration has a significant promoting effect to enterprises’ risk-taking. The mechanism test finds that big data tax administration promotes enterprise risk-taking by inhibiting agency behaviour, alleviating financing constraints, enhancing tax equity and optimising the business environment. Further analysis shows that big data tax administration has a greater effect on risk-taking by non-state enterprises and enterprises supported by industrial policies.
keywords:big data tax collection  tax administration  enterprise risk-taking  multiphase difference-difference method
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