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童伟 (扬州大学 文学院江苏 扬州 225002) 
中文关键词:儒学叙事  泰州学派  事象  家国天下
On the Original Discourse of the Confucian Narrative Event Image of Taizhou School
Abstract:At present, the ideological research of Taizhou School focuses on the popularization and secularization of Confucianism, and rarely examines the Tao narrative behavior of lecturing with things and Tao. In order to understand the original discourse of the Tao narrative of Taizhou School, we need to use the concept: event image. Because Taizhou School relies on the theory of The Great Learning, body enters the continuum of home, country and the world, and the Tao narrative behavior of folk lecturing enables the scholars to face the world and gain a sense of belonging in space, and the people can open and present it in the narrative for daily use. Therefore, home, country and the world is the event image of spatial narrative, which is different from the isomorphism of home and country and the chronological time narrative mode of historical narrative. They can not only refer to a specific space place, but also with metaphysical meaning, the integration of virtual and real space image.Event image provides the ideological basis for understanding the prosperity of folk narrative in the middle and late Ming dynasty.
keywords:Confucian narrative  Taizhou School  event image  family, country and the world
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