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张照生1,2 (1.湖南师范大学 文学院湖南 长沙 4100812.湖南理工学院 中国语言文学学院湖南 岳阳 414006) 
中文关键词:施莱格尔  克尔凯郭尔  反讽  自由
Irony and Freedom— A Study on the Relationship between Schlegel’s Irony and Kierkegaard’s Irony
Abstract:Kierkegaard’s criticisms of Schlegel’s irony reveal that their irony is different concering the object of service, the degree of veto and subjectivity. Their irony is the modern development of Socratic irony, irony serves as a universal principle, committed to rebel the imprisonment of rationalism and freedom of consciousness. They also require poets to use irony to transcend forms,materials,writing inertia and even creation itself to achieve creative freedom and guide readers to liberate themselves. Their irony has inspired many modern western writers and philosophers to adopt anti-traditional writing and fragmented narration,questioning and reflecting on the natural solid tradition and increasingly internalized rationalism.
keywords:Schlegel  Kierkegaard  irony  freedom
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