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王泽应,林翠霞 (湖南师范大学 中华伦理文明研究中心湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:食品安全权  权利伦理  生命权  健康权  怯弱权
On the Right Ethical Matrix and Its Value of Food Safety Right
Abstract:In the value spectrum of contemporary rights ethics or human rights ethics, the right to food safety has its foundation, origin, core and fundamental value significance due to its close relationship with the right to life, the right to development, the right to health, and the right to dispelling fragility. As a basic human right that combines legal and moral rights, the right to food safety is not only a human right that originates from the most internal, frequent, and basic aspects of human beings, but also the most fundamental and core value demands of human beings and the most basic and core value care needed by society. Born as a person, one must cherish life and health, which constitutes the most inherent and strongest right to life and health. The fragility of life itself and health makes people have the right to dispelling fragility that is in line with the right to life and health. The rights to life, health, and dispelling fragility require the right to food safety. Respecting and protecting citizens' right to food safety is not only the value pursuit of the right to life, but also the concentrated expression of the right to dispelling fragility and the right to health. The right to food safety is bound to become the keystone and pillar of contemporary right ethics, humanistic ethics, humanitarian ethics and bioethics because of its unique foundation, original right appeal and value pursuit.
keywords:food safety right  ethics of rights  the right to life  the right to health  the right to dispelling fragility
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