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沈伟,芦心玥 (上海交通大学 凯原法学院上海 200030) 
中文关键词:《仲裁法(修订)(征求意见稿)》  仲裁国际化  《示范法》  《纽约公约》  友好仲裁
How to Make Arbitration Law More International—Investigating the Key Provisions in the Revised Arbitration Law
Abstract:The Revised Draft of Arbitration Law has been substantially amended to enhance the level of internationalization of China’s arbitration system. Taking the Model Law and the New York Convention as benchmarks, the revised draft generally meets the international standards in the areas of power of arbitral tribunals, judicial review of arbitral awards, ad hoc arbitration and court assistance. However, the implementation standards of specific measures should be further refined, supporting rules should be improved, and clearer judicial guidance should be provided. The revised draft does not satisfy international standards in terms of arbitrators’ qualification and liability as well as the arbitral institutions’ legal status,it should further enhance the party autonomy, deepen the reform of arbitration institutions, and introduce the qualified exemption system for arbitrators.
keywords:Arbitration Law (Revised Draft)  internationalization  Model Law  New York Convention  pro-arbitration regime
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