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周刚志1,2,孙徐恬1 (1.中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 4100832.湖南师范大学 法学院 湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:国家文化公园  大运河国家文化公园  文化遗产  立法
The Cultrual Identity Value of the Grand Canal and Legislation Protection
Abstract:The Grand Canal National Cultural Park is not only an important cultural project in China, but also an important cultural symbol of the Chinese nation. The Grand Canal of China is not only an important water conservancy cultural heritage, linear cultural heritage, but also an important cultural landscape heritage, carrying the political and cultural concepts of connecting the five major water systems, promoting regional exchanges, and helping ethnic integration. At present,the Grand Canal related legislation mainly includes national legislation such as the Law of the People’s Republic on the Protection of Cultural Relics and local legislation such as the Grand Canal water management, ecological environment and cultural heritage protection. In order to promote the construction of the Grand Canal national cultural park, China should formulate the Law of the Grand Canal national cultural park or the regulations on the management of the Grand Canal national cultural park in a timely manner, in order to promote the value of the Chinese cultural identity of the Grand Canal.
keywords:national cultural park  grand canal national cultural park  cultural heritage  legislation
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