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喻玲,邵滨 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:NFT数字艺术品  发行权  展览权  信息网络传播权
Identify the Legal Issues of Copyrights for Non-Fungible Tokens Digital Art
Abstract:NFT digital art has the uniqueness, and is a work of art with digital asset value. Compared with general works of art, it has quasi-property rights and copyright attributes. Its transaction is a composite act of digital asset ownership transaction and copyright license use. NFT digital art transaction is divided into two stages: casting-release and on-chain transaction. Casting is a reproduction act in the sense of copyright law. Releasing is the behavior of information network dissemination. The subsequent transactions on the chain do not belong to the replication behavior, but is the quasi-issuing behavior, and its resale behavior applies the principle of exhaustion of rights. Due to the intangibility of the carrier, NFT digital art holders cannot enjoy the right to exhibition. At the same time, based on the copyright license contained in the intelligent contract, the holder has the right of non-interactive transmission. It can be considered to achieve to protect the non-interactive transmission of NFT digital art either by including it in the control scope of broadcasting rights or by applying the other rights of Article 10 of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China.
keywords:NFT digital art  rights of distribution  rights of exhibition  rights of dissemination through information network
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