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路春艳,邓雅川 (北京师范大学 艺术与传媒学院北京 100875) 
中文关键词:新力量导演  电影空间  焦虑与释放
Space Anxiety and Release—An Observation on the Creation of New Force Film Directors
Abstract:In recent years, the directors of new force of Chinese cinema have attracted extensive attention. They focus on social issues and often use contemporary cities as spatial contexts, reflecting current reality and anxiety through their observation of space. In their films, space exhibits typical modern symptoms, such as the alienation between people and the disorder of time in space, and the loss of spatial functionality. The anxiety in these spaces is a symptom of a social psychological change. The use of films to criticize reality and care for marginalized groups is a way for new force directors to release anxiety.
keywords:new force directors  film space  anxiety and release
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