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李松龄 (湖南大学 经济管理研究中心,湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:马克思主义中国化  制度变革  理论创新  新质生产力
The Institutional Reform and Theoretical Innovation of Contemporary Marxism Sinicization
Abstract:Deng Xiaoping’s Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,Jiang Zemin’s Important Thoughts on the “Three Represents”,Hu Jintao’s Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era. It is a continuously developing and up-to-date Marxism that is combined with the specific realities of China.The fundamental task of socialism with Chinese characteristics is to develop productive forces; therefore, capital needs to play a role in promoting commodity production and exchanges.Socialism with Chinese characteristics puts the people at the center and requires adhering to the essential socialist characteristics of common prosperity for all people.The sinicization of Marxism in socialism with Chinese characteristics inherently requires institutional reforms in the market system, market operation mechanism, and ownership realization form, as well as innovation in capital theory and surplus value theory.The institutional reform and theoretical innovation of the sinicization of Marxism inherently require the liberation of mind and independent thinking.
keywords:sinicization of Marxism  institutional reform  theoretical innovation  new quality productive forces
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