天道与礼乐:论汉代经学“中和” 观念的秩序特征
引用本文:刘晓婷,韩星.天道与礼乐:论汉代经学“中和” 观念的秩序特征[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(4):27-34
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刘晓婷,韩星 (中国人民大学 国学院北京 100872) 
中文关键词:中和  天道秩序  政治秩序  董仲舒  人情
The Way of Nature and Rites-Music: On the Orderly Characteristics of the Concept of “Neutrality and Harmony” in the Han Dynasty’s Confucianism
Abstract:The concept of “neutrality and harmony” was unfolded in two directions in the Han Dynasty. First, the concept was used as an eternal order of nature, which was the Han Confucian scholar Dong Zhongshu who constructed it with the theory of Five Elements and the operation of nature. Second, the concept was used in the Rites-Music culture in the Han Dynasty, which aimed to educate human nature to be neutral and harmony, so then drove the country to achieve the ideal political order. Thus,“neutrality and harmony” pointed to an ultimate order of the universe that runs through nature and man. This meaning of the concept was changed in the Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties to point to the subject's morality, which was different from the meaning of the tendency of objectification and externalization in the Han Dynasty’s Confucianism.
keywords:neutrality and harmony  order of nature  order of politics  Dong Zhongshu  human emotions
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