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马九杰1,唐溧2,邓佩云3 (1.中国人民大学 农业与农村发展学院北京 1008722.南京农业大学 金融学院江苏 南京 2100953.上海外国语大学 国际金融贸易学院上海 201620) 
中文摘要:使用CFPS 2010—2018年5期数据,考察农户参与新农保后收入增长的差异及其作用机制。研究发现:农户在期初参与新农保会显著提高其收入增长率,这主要是由于缴纳保险费用后农户预期养老风险的降低,会提高家庭的农业生产投入,促进经营性收入增长。并且,对不同收入水平农户的异质性分析表明,新农保对较低收入家庭收入增长促进效果更大,有利于农村包容性增长。因此,应当不断提高农村家庭应对养老风险的能力,将健全社会养老保险体系作为巩固和拓展脱贫攻坚成果、促进包容性增长、实现共同富裕的重要抓手。
中文关键词:社会养老保险  新农保  收入增长  收入流动性  包容性增长
The Impact of Social Endowment Insurance on Rural Inclusive Growth: a Perspective Based on Income Mobility
Abstract:Using the data of the CFPS the from 2010 to 2018, this study investigated the differences of income growth and its mechanism after farmers participated in the new rural insurance. Results show that farmers’ participation in the New Rural Pension Scheme (NRPS) at the beginning of the period will significantly increase the income growth rate of farmers, which is mainly due to the reduction of farmers’ expected pension risks after paying for the insurance, which will increase household agricultural production investment and promote the growth of operational income. Moreover, the heterogeneity analysis of farmers with different income levels shows that the NRPS has a greater effect on the income growth of low income households, which is conducive to the inclusive growth of rural areas. Therefore, we should continue to improve the ability of rural families to cope with pension risks, and improve the social endowment insurance system as an important starting point to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, promote inclusive growth, and achieve common prosperity.
keywords:social endowment insurance  new rural pension scheme  income growth  income mobility  inclusive growth
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