引用本文:刘倩1, 王莹莹2,3.“一带一路”国家能源投资的风险识别与传导——基于复杂网络方法[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(4):53-62
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刘倩1, 王莹莹2,3 (1.北京师范大学 一带一路学院北京 1008752.中国人民大学 应用经济学院北京 100872 3.中国人民大学 交叉科学研究院北京 100872) 
中文关键词:一带一路  复杂网络  能源投资  风险识别  风险传导
Energy Investment Risk Identification and Transmission in the Belt and Road Initiative:Based on Complex Network Theory
Abstract:This paper constructs an energy investment risk index system and risk identification model based on Complex Network Theory and empirically analyzes the risk evolution characteristics, trends and spatio-temporal transmission path of the overseas investment in China’s energy industry through the data of 103 countries from 2010 to 2019. Key findings include: (1) Indicators such as control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism are the key risk points of China’s energy industry overseas investments; (2) The transmissibility of China’s energy OFDI continues to increase over the past ten years. Examining individual country investment risks reveals Indonesia, Turkey and Brazil showcase internally complex investment risk environments. (3) Based on the minimum spanning tree, investment risks in Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa have shorter transmission paths, increasingly close links and accelerated risk accumulation.
keywords:Belt and Road Initiative  complex network  energy investment  risk identification  risk transmission
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