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易闻晓 (贵州师范大学 文学院贵州 贵阳 550025) 
中文关键词:赋学  赋论  诗经  诗学  古诗之流
The Poetic Basis of Ancient Criticisms of Fu
Abstract:Fu is characterized with elaboration which is the essence of the creation of Fu . Inheriting Chu Ci by Qu Yuan, Song Yu established the style of Fu and initiated the way of object-description in Han Fu which was unrelated with Shi Jing studies. However, represented by Ban Gu’s view that “Fu is the descendant of ancient poetry”, the Fu criticisms in the Han Dynasty was fundamentally based on the exegetical meanings of Shi Jing which enforced Chu Ci being taken in the evolutionary of Shi Jing studies and formed the far-reaching tradition of critiquing Fu by the standard of Shi Jing. The Fu criticism in the Six Dynasties continued to that trend but emphasized metaphor and allegory. Since the Tang Dynasty, the discussion on Fu took examples by poetry techniques and highlighted the techniques of regulated Fu which reflected the “poetization” evolution from parallel Fu in the Six Dynasties to the regulated Fu in the Tang Dynasty as well as the loss of elaboration. All the above representing Shi Jing studies was fundamental to the ancient Fu criticism which essentially contradicted the elemental characteristics of the creation of the style of Fu.
keywords:Fu studies  Fu criticisms  Shi Jing  study of Shi Jing  descendants of Shi Jing
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