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孙微 (山东大学 儒学高等研究院山东 济南 250100) 
中文关键词:杜甫  严武  京兆功曹  《奉寄别马巴州》  作年
A New Study on Du Fu Being Appointed as the Jingzhao Meritocracy:Concurrently on the Writing Year of Sending to the Ma Bazhou
Abstract:Du Fu said in his poem that he was appointed as a Meritocracy of Jingzhao, but he showed a disdainful attitude towards that post in the poem. Then the contemporary academic circles mistakenly thought that he had not accepted that post.In fact, Jingzhao Meritocracy was an important node in Du Fu’s official rank sequence,that rank is just between Huazhousigong and Jianjiaoyuanwailang of Work Department,which is the former capital officer of the Jianjiaoyuanwailang.That poem must have been written in the spring of 763. In the first month of the year,Yan Wu was appointed as the Jingzhaoyin, and he appointed Du Fu as Jingzhao Meritocracy,which was his subordinate officer.Huang He compiled at poem in 761, following the mistakes of the old and new Tang Shu,Qiu Zhaoao linked that poem’s writing time to another poem Respecting the Yan Dafu, which was also related to the spring of 764, because he misunderstood the poetic flavor.In fact, there is no close relationship between Du Fu’s call to supplement the Jingzhao Meritocracy and Yan Wu’s being re-appointed as the Sichuan Chief, so there is no need to link the two poems’ writing year.
keywords:Du Fu  Yan Wu  Jingzhao Meritocracy  Send to the Ma Bazhou  writing year
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