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向铁生1,邓芗子2 (1.湖南大学 中国语言文学学院湖南 长沙 4100822.湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:中晚唐  长安  仙幻小说  空间书写
The Spatial Writing of Chang’an Fairy Fantasy Novels in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty
Abstract:Chang’an fairy fantasy novels, as a unique type of legends in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, complex spatial writing is one of the content that can best reflect its characteristics of styles. Three different spaces are constructed in the novel, which are the social space displayed under the influence of Chang'an City, fairy fantasy world and “Imperial court” culture. The special form of spatial writing leads to the unique characteristics of space in the novel, such as flexible in space span, inclusive in cultural exchange and tragic in emotional tone. From the overall point of view, the spatial writing in Chang’an fairy fantasy novels is not only the inheritance of the bizarre stories of the Wei-Jin Period and Six Dynasties, but also enriches the subject categories of Tang legends, which is of far-reaching significance to later age.
keywords:the middle and late Tang Dynasty  Chang’an  fairy fantasy novels  spatial writing
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