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陈佳冀,逄依林 (江南大学 人文学院江苏 无锡 214122) 
中文关键词:生态文学  阿来  小说  边地书写
“A Loud Voice for More Beings to Hear”:Research on Alai’s Border Writing from the Perspective of Ecological Literature
Abstract:In the cultural context of Chinese path to modernization, the key to the independent theoretical construction of ecological literary criticism is how to realize the combination of ecological literary creation with the national literary tradition, and how ecological literary research reflects the contemporary Chinese reality with the same frequency resonance and highlights the local consciousness and cultural self-confidence. Alai’s ecological writing on the borderlands provides a narrative possibility through his creative practice of “all-round” and “loud voice”. In the works such as “Dust Settles Down”,“Empty Mountain”, “King Gesar” and “Record in the Clouds”, he has comprehensively written and interpreted the plants, animals and ecological environment of the borderlands from a local and ethnic narrative perspective, deeply presenting the real natural features and the accumulation of national spirit in the border area. However, he has always spared no effort to explore the ideological essence of the border culture with a deep writing attitude, and has sincerely written the “big voice” of Jiarong Tibetan area, connecting the discussion of Chinese writing, ecological politics, cultural geography, and the relationship between man and nature, and other related issues, contributing to the re-casting of integral cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence, and highlighting the new space for the development of literature and art in the new era.
keywords:ecological literature  A Lai  novel  border writing
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