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朱汉民,杨志刚 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文摘要:基于象山的启发,杨简在对扇讼之事的反观中自觉“本心”,并以“人心即道”的提出开启了他的心学之路。对“本心”的诠释,杨简承袭了先儒的形上思维,却展开了对本体建构的反思:一方面肯定“心”之“无所不通”,强调“心”对天地万物的照见与感通;另一方面则明确“心 ”之“虚明”“无体”,取消了对“心”的实体建构。不同于程朱对宇宙本体的确立,也有别于象山对价值实体的内化,杨简没有将“心”视为独立于事物的实体,而是强调“心”之发用照映天地万物。基于切己反观,杨简意识到对道德的践行不在于对价值实体的探究,而在于觉知自身“本心”的自然发用,在“虚明洞照”下照见物我“一体”的真实存在,从而展现对道德的切实践行。
中文关键词:杨简  本心    “人心即道”
The Mind Being the Tao:Yang Jian’s Consciousness and Interpretation of the Original Mind
Abstract:Under the enlightenment of Xiangshan, Yang Jian was conscious of the original mind(Benxin)based on the retrospect of his judgment on the fan lawsuit, and started his study on philosophy of the Mind with the proposition that the mind is the Tao.In the interpretation of the original mind, Yang Jian inherited the metaphysical thinking from the pre-Confucians but also launched the rethinking on the ontological construction. On the one hand, he affirmed the transcendence of the original mind over concrete things, emphasizing the mirror and perception of the mind to the universe. On the other hand, he made clear the invisibleness of the original mind, thereby, negating any theoretical construct that treats it as an independent noumenon. Different from Zhu Xi’s construction of the universal noumenon for all existence, and from Xiangshan’s establishment of the intrinsic value noumena of individuals, Yang Jian did not view the original mind as a noumenon independent of things, but emphasized the presentation of the original mind,mirroring the real existence of all things in the universe.Through introspection of his own moral judgment, Yang Jian came to realize that the practice of morality is not rooted in exploring and following the essence of values, but rather in the autonomous manifestation of one’s original mind. Based on the autonomous manifestation of the original mind, individuals can comprehend the true existence of all things within the unity of subject and object, thereby, demonstrating practical moral conduct.
keywords:Yang Jian  the original mind  consciousness  the mind being the Tao
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