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李培超,王珞琳 (湖南师范大学 中华伦理文明研究中心湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:自主知识体系  近代伦理学  学科体系  学术体系  话语体系
On the Preliminary Construction of an Autonomous Knowledge System of Modern Ethics
Abstract:As an ethical civilization, Chinese civilization has a long history of thinking about ethical and moral issues, but it has not formed an epistemological tradition with clear boundaries and definite research objects. The construction of knowledge system depends on the development of discipline system, academic system and discourse system. The strict independent knowledge system of ethics in China was gradually explored in the modern economic and social application and the trend of Western learning spreading to the East. On the one hand, the traditional Chinese style and standards of discipline division have been deconstructed in modern times. On the other hand, under the background of “following”, the academic community has also begun to explore the construction of independent knowledge system of Chinese ethics. Modern Chinese ethics struggled to find its own position in the field of distinguishing between China and the West, ancient and modern. Although it is hard to avoid being regarded as an “incomplete work”, still it takes a step of “moral revolution” practically.
keywords:autonomous knowledge system  modern ethics  discipline system  academic system  discourse system
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